We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. We may collect personally identifiable information when you visit our site. We also automatically receive and record information on our server logs from your browser including your IP address, cookie information and the pages(s) you visited. We will not sell your personally identifiable information to anyone.

The information and data collected by will be saved and used solely for its marketing purposes.

Phone numbers collected through the subscription service for automated text messages found at will be stored and saved for its own marketing and communication purposes. will not sell or share personal information entered by you with other nonaffiliated entities and/or companies. Accordingly, the personal information entered through our website may be collected, used, and held by or other third parties sending automated marketing messages on behalf of

This data is collected through direct interaction as such information is collected from the website, whereby customers input their personal information in the process of subscribing to receive automated text messages from

Any potential data sharing of any of the data collected by and/or the third party subscription service providers excludes the opt in data and consent information provided by You at the time that you subscribed to receive texts from and its affiliates. engages appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, misuse or destruction of the personal information collected. Access to your personal information is limited only to those employees, agents, and other third party service providers who have a business need to know, and/or other third parties sending automated marketing messages on behalf of Your personal information may only be processed upon instruction, and employees following any such direction are subject to a duty of confidentiality. If becomes aware of any breach to its storage of its customers information gained through its subscription service, it will provide notice to You. will retain your personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes we collected it for, marketing and communication purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. By law, will keep basic information entered into its website for six years after they cease being customers for tax and legal purposes.

This Privacy Policy is limited to information collected virtually through the website and will not include information collected offline. reserves the right to update this privacy statement at its sole discretion. Should the Privacy Policy change the purposes for which the data is collected, will provide notice of any changes in its intended purposes of the data collected.